International academic calendar starts in September

In Japan, even though it has been adopted by a number of international schools, the concept of September enrolment is still new in the country. Here, it is customary to hold entrance and graduation ceremonies in March and April amidst the falling cherry petals, Japan is now at a point where it needs to seriously consider the globalisation of its education system.

Universities with a September admission system

Although widely practiced in other parts of the world, such as North America, the concept of a September enrollment is still new in Japan. High schools in the USA, for example, traditionally have graduation in May and then a long summer vacation before school starts in September. In Japan, it is customary for schools to have the graduation ceremony in late March and then begin classes on April 1. The graduation to matriculation cycle in Japan usually coincides with the blooming of cherry blossoms. Nevertheless, students in Japan essentially have little or no vacation in the spring. Thus, Japan is now at a point where it needs to seriously consider the globalisation of its education system.  

NUCB International College, as an international high school, has adopted the global standard of September entry, which is in stark contrast to most public and private high schools in Japan that finish in March and start in April.

Especially for students in Japan with a desire to pursue higher education in North America, Europe and elsewhere, the transition will be comparatively smoother since they will receive their international baccalaureate in July at the latest; thereby allowing them to arrange for their enrolment in the first year abroad in September without any hassles. Also, since the IBDP is recognized in most English speaking countries, there are essentially no barriers to attending a university abroad.

Moreover, it is worth noting that many universities in Japan have already introduced September entry, including over 70 national and private universities. This number is expected to increase in the future.

Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, with which NIC is affiliated, also offers September entry into its Global BBA programme, where all classes are taught in English, and which offers the option to take a double degree at one of our partner universities in Europe, such as in France, the UK or Ireland.

Make no mistake that September entry is the way forward for us all in an increasingly globalised Japan.