Teaching Methods & Learning Outcomes

When people discuss learning-outcomes, the behaviour and habits of learners are often highlighted. Of course, these are significantly related to the outcomes, however, teachers also have a burden of responsibility for learners-outcomes.

Naturally, in the history of education, teaching styles have been developing over a long period of time. Nowadays, teachers adopt various styles of teaching depending on their pedagogical needs. For example, if the teacher intends for their students to absorb knowledge quickly and effectively, they then may choose a teacher-centred approach known as the lecture style. If the teacher intends for the students to improve their collaborative skills in a class on crafting, for example, they may opt to permit group work as a student-centred approach. In general, these types of approaches are often combined so that the teaching and learning are more effective given the limited class time.

At NIC, the inquiry-based learning approach via case method has been adopted since this is a student-centred approach. The IB curriculum is designed based on the concept of inquiry-based learning, so the students learn interactively and exploratorily. In this style, teachers provide them with a variety of opportunities for collaboration as they journey on their own path of learning and via the case teaching method, teachers provide material in advance to the students, who prepare it before coming to class. The material is usually a real-world or story-based scenario called a ‘case’, and the students consider how they could resolve the problems appearing in the story if they were in the same situation. Through the learning process of case method, the students acquire the skills of critical thinking, analysing and problem-solving.

Basically, the word 'learning' may no longer refer only to the acquisition of knowledge. Especially when considering teaching styles and approaches, it is critical for teachers to consider the ages, levels and learning goals and outcomes. From learners’ perspectives, when you start learning a new concept or struggle to learn something, it may be worth taking into account how you learn as much as what you learn.

NUCB International College is a Candidate School* for the IB Diplomma Program. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy— a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that NUCB International College believes is important for our students.   *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org