Construction Progress - 10 March 2021

Since breaking ground on the construction of the new NUCB International College facility, which will serve as the boarding house for students, significant progress has been made. The round frame of the boarding house is already clearly visible and we are proud to share today a new shot of the construction site.

The boarding house has been specially designed so that each accommodation room offers ample living space for up to four students. Depending on the location of the rooms, the residents will have a view of the inner courtyard of the boarding house or the surrounding campus. Aside from the living quarters, the boarding houses will provide students with spacious communal spaces and facilities.

More importantly, the NIC boarding house will offer a safe and secure environment for its residents. As a boarding school where all students are on sites, we will be able to maintain the highest levels of safety and security and we will be able to implement biosecurity measures in the face of a pandemic, so that learning may continue safely with as little disruption to academic progress as possible.

The construction, which began in December 2020, has been moving so smoothly that the facility will likely be completed by April 2022.  Meanwhile, you can get a view of the boarding facilities through our Virtual Campus Tour here.

