Construction Progress - 5 August 2021

Significant progress has been made in the construction of the boarding house. Above is the view from inside the inner ground of the building, where the framework for the third floor has been assembled, giving a three-dimensional picture of the boarding house.

The ground floor will be for the common areas such as the entrance, lounge and cafeteria. The second and third floors are for the individual rooms. Each floor has been designed with high ceilings to offer a sense of openness and plenty of natural light. In the centre of the building, where the crane is located, there will be a staircase courtyard and stage designed for students' performances and open-air events. The circular shape of the building will allow the courtyard to be seen from every floor, giving a sense of community wherever you are. The building is surrounded by greenery, with a row of trees reaching up to the third floor. From their rooms, students will be able to feel the richness of nature and the changing of the seasons.

If you would like to see the construction sites from closer, please consider joining our open Campus, where we will take guests to the boarding house and the teaching facilities. For more information and dates of the Open Campus, please click here.

The construction, which began in December 2020, has been moving smoothly and the facility will be completed by April 2022.  Meanwhile, you can get a view of the boarding facilities through our Virtual Campus Tour here.