NUCB International College Celebrates Teamwork And Community On The 2nd Annual Sports Day

NUCB International College (NIC) hosted its 2nd Annual Sports Day on November 8, 2023 at the NUCB Gymnasium and Soccer Pitch. Students and faculty eagerly engaged in a full day of sports meant to promote health, creativity, and leadership under the theme of “Teamwork and Community.”

More than just a day of physical activity, Sports Day at NIC is a significant event fostering camaraderie among the 71 participating students from Years 10 and 11, as well as the dedicated involvement of 17 teachers and 8 administrative staff. This vibrant sports festival is a direct reflection of the school’s commitment to developing global leaders through diverse and challenging experiences. As one student house leader from Sapphire House proudly shared, “I was able to plan and organize the event. It was a good experience for me to practice my leadership and communication skills!” This sentiment was mirrored by a competitor from Ruby House who added, “I was really proud that my team won the obstacle race, even though we had trouble in the beginning. We were able to come back and race hard!”

The excitement around this student-designed event resonated with the principal’s enthusiastic observation, “This was a great event and the first one that was run and planned entirely by students. By all measures, it was a resounding success and I can’t wait to see how the games develop as our school continues to grow.”

NIC, an International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme World School recognized as an Article 1 School by the Aichi Prefecture, upholds a vision centered on nurturing future leaders in a dynamic learning environment. The 2nd Annual Sports Day is not only a testament to NIC’s educational philosophy but also an opportunity for students to embody the values the school stands for—global leadership, community engagement, creativity, and practical learning experiences that extend far beyond the classroom.

An innovative feature of NUCB International College’s approach to education and community building is its school house system. Distinct from the traditional Japanese schooling system, where students are typically organized by year groups, NIC immerses students across year groups into four different houses—Jade, Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire—assigned at random upon their induction into the College. This blend transcends the conventional age barriers and encourages a richer interaction across different levels of academic development. It reinforces the school’s vision of creating a harmonious and collaborative learning environment that mirrors the real-world diversity students will face as future global leaders. In the spirit of fostering inclusivity and teamwork, the house system integrates students into a microcosm of a  broader community where they learn to navigate and embrace a variety of perspectives. Through this system, NIC students are provided with the unique opportunity to develop interpersonal skills, empathy, and mutual support—essential qualities in an increasingly interconnected world.

NIC Advantages

NUCB International College is designed to provide a world-class education with excellent facilities and a rich natural environment, on its 200-acre campus, in Nisshin city, Japan.

Excellence in Education

The case method, first developed at Harvard Business School in 1922 and now commonly used in elite academic institutions worldwide, is incorporated into the teaching approaches for leadership education at NIC. Small classes enable personalised supervision by multinational faculty members with master's or doctoral degrees and faculty from affiliated top business schools. In addition, the Summer School for prospective students (July) and a preparatory course (the Bridging Programme) for September admission are also offered.

Safe Boarding Environment

The school provides a safe and secure co-educational boarding environment with reference to international boarding standards. 'House Supervisors', who are well versed in psychological and health management, provide daily support and regular individual counselling to ensure optimal support and guidance for each student. Through living together with peers from different cultures and experiences, students develop the qualities required of the next generation of leaders.

About NIC

  • School Name: NUCB International College
  • Location: 4-4 Sagamine, Komenoki-cho, Nissin-shi, Aichi
  • Type of school: MEXT Accredited High School & IB World School
  • Enrolment: 225 (male and female students in their first to third year of high school)
  • Public Language: English

Upcoming Events

Sat., 9 December: NIC Family One-Day Experience
Sat., 27 January: Open Campus 
Fri., 23 February: Open Campus