
Academic Support

  1. TOP
  2. Support
  3. Academic Support

Individual Support Programme

At NIC we strive to ensure that upon entering the school each student is placed on a solid pathway to personal and academic achievement. To this end, we implement an Individualised Support Plan (ISP) for each student. It is designed to not only facilitate the early identification and support of students who show signs of struggling for academic or personal reasons, but also to ensure that students are performing to their potential. Students are carefully assessed periodically to monitor their progress and, if required, a team is put in place to drive the ISP and follow up with the implementation of support strategies.

Approaches to Learning Skills

The Approaches to Learning Skills (ALS) programme at NIC is specfically designed to promote skill development across all subjects in terms of vertical and horizontal articulation. The skill development in the ALS programme both complements and supports skill development that concurrently occurs in subject classes and ensures that students are suitably prepared for not only the specific academic challenges of the high school programme but also for the challenges that lay ahead at university and the workplace.
There are five main skill development areas that the ALS programme focuses on from Year 10 to Year 12 as follows:

  • Self-manangement skills
  • Social skills
  • Communication skills
  • Thinking skills
  • Research skills

Watch this space for further updates in relation to the ALS classes across the three high school year levels.

Subject Support Lessons

From time to time students may miss a class for different reasons or they may have found a class topic difficult for them to digest on the day. At NIC we have special Subject Support Lessons in place which are scheduled in the school timetable at all Year levels to ensure students do not fall behind in the programme due to a previous absence or lack of understanding. Participation in these classes may be initiated by the student or be required by the subject teacher, depending on the circumstances. These times may also be used by students, parents and teachers alike for chats about individual progress or approaches to study etc.

Mentor Support

Being located on the Nagoya University of Commerce and Business campus with over 3000 university students allows NIC to provide our high school students with a unique opportunity to be mentored by volunteer university students that have previously studied and succeeded in the IB Diploma Programme over a range of different subjects. These 'House Mentors' have been carefully screened and selected by the House Director from the NUCB Global Bachelor of Business Administration Programme to reside in the dormitory area and are available to assist NIC students outside the usual school hours. They are academically gifted carers with great people skills looking to gain mentoring and leadership experience.