Francis Atta Howard

Francis Atta Howard (who goes by Iwasawa) is a multilingual humanitarian activist and mathematical physicist who thinks that everyone on Earth speaks the same language: numbers. He completed a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in pure mathematics at the University of Ghana and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and statistics. In order to help students from various cultural backgrounds develop their skills, he tutored at a number of institutions and then turned into an IB educator. Howard chose to work as a bilingual secretary for the UN Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Ghana before moving on to his doctorate job. Howard has recently submitted his final dissertation in order to be awarded a PhD in mathematical physics in Benin, thanks to grants provided by the Simons Foundation. He has also co-authored a number of works in this area. He hopes to win a Fields Medal by resolving one of the mathematical sciences' Millennium Problems and contributing to this area. In addition, Howard has spoken at numerous international conferences on topics such as Iwasawa decomposition, p-adic integrals, and elementary spin particles.
Research Interests
Quantum Physics, Representation Theory, Harmonic Analysis
Final Education
Ph.D. Mathematical Physics, University of Abomey-Calavi