Ignacio Botella Lasaga

Dr Ignacio Botella Lasaga, originally hailing from Spain, embarked on his academic journey in Physics at Barcelona University, where he laid the foundation for his scholarly pursuits. He also received his MSc in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology in Barcelona. Later, Dr Ignacio Botella was awarded the Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) to enrol in a PhD programme in Japan.
He enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy programme in Astrophysics within the Department of Astronomy at Kyoto University, where he acquired his doctoral degree. He has worked as a research assistant at both Barcelona University and Kyoto University.
In addition to his research endeavours, Dr. Botella has shared his passion for learning as an IB Middle Year Programme Mathematics teacher at Doshisha International School, Kyoto (DISK). He has also imparted his expertise as a part-time lecturer at Ritsumeikan University.
Dr. Ignacio Botella has a number of publications in the areas of astrophysics and cosmology on the topics of dark matter and black holes and has participated in several conferences internationally.
Research Interests
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Final Education
Ph.D., Kyoto University