Academic Programmes

  1. TOP
  2. Academic
  3. voice
  4. Yuzuki


Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Yuzuki. I am 14 years old and I come from Tokyo. I am a 9th-grade student.

Why did you choose to join the NIC Summer School?

I wanted to join the Summer School because I am interested in NUCB International College.

Which activities have you enjoyed the most so far?

I have enjoyed the Case Method Challenge the best because it was interesting to confront my ideas with the members of my teams. I think that my friends back home would enjoy this workshop because we like to exchange our opinions.

Which activity required the most effort to work together as a team?

To me it was the UN SDGs: Design the perfect SDGs school. We had a presentation on the last day of Summer School, so we needed a lot of cooperation among the team members.

Finally, what advice would you give to a student thinking about joining NIC Summer School next year?

I would tell them to do their best to join! It was very fun to stay with a lot of new people. You can learn a lot from each other.