Field Study for the Sciences
BP students explored our lovely campus to collect samples of plants that were later used to learn and practice microscopy skills in Science, as well as observe the parts of a plant that are used in photosynthesis.
For successful applicants graduating from Year 9, between December and March, NIC offers a full-boarding study option via our Bridging Programme (BP) prior to the official commencement of the high school programme. This enables the most effective use of the student's gap time and helps to prepare students for the transition to the style of learning required in the international programme.
Tuesdays are for Humanities! As part of their humanities case, students focused on building a Growth Mindset, by attempting new and challenging tasks. In this lesson they were fixing a puncture, but without the benefit of instructions. Through teamwork, communication and leadership each team was able to understand what a Growth Mindset is, and how it can be developed.