Academic Programmes

  1. TOP
  2. Academic
  3. voice
  4. Lana


Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Lana and I am a 9th-grade student. I am Japanese/Korean.

Why did you choose to join the NIC Summer School?

I decided to join the NIC Summer School because I am interested in NUCB International College.

Which activities have you enjoyed the most so far?

I really like the fireworks on the third day of Summer School. The visit to Higashiyama Zoo was also fun.

Which activity required the most effort to work together as a team?

Many other students would agree with me, the UN SDGs: Design the perfect SDGs school required a lot of effort.

Which part of NIC Summer School do you think your friends back home would enjoy the most?

Without any hesitation, the games!

How has NIC Summer School changed your understanding of diversity, communication and working together?

It was my first time participating in a teamwork project and I feel that I learned a lot from that experience.

Finally, what advice would you give to a student thinking about joining NIC Summer School next year?

If you want to make friends here, don't speak Japanese. Instead, take the opportunity to learn from classmates from different cultures.