세계에서 인정받은 교육을 일본에서 배운다

유학생 여러분 께

  1. TOP
  2. For Prospective Students
  3. 한국어

Under development : In the near future, all the contents will be translated into the selected language.


Studying at NUCB International College (NIC) provides high school students from around the world with a unique opportunity  to  study in a progressive academic  programme with top class resources on the picturesque Nagoya University of Commerce and Business  campus in the suburbs  of Nagoya. Students will acquire highly developed thinking and personal skills which will allow them to have multiple career pathway options both in Japan and abroad. They will live and study in an international community with a  wealth of cultures, perspectives and experiences for them to draw from as they hone their qualities as leaders and team players with the capacity to shape the future global society.

Driven by our Educational Philosophy, our ambition is for every student to reach her or his potential and make a contribution to society. In simple terms, we want students to be the best that they can be individually without fear of competition or failure. We endeavour to ensure that motivation comes from within so that it is constructive and enduring and not driven by competition or comparisons. The academic and pastoral support programmes and overall experience at NIC, put students on a path to lifelong achievement via the garnering of real skills and connections with quality teachers, professors and colleagues in a caring and collaborative environment.

The school is located in greater Nagoya, Japan's third most populous city and home to the country's greatest concentration of automobile, fine ceramics, aerospace, and other high-tech industries. It is known as the transportation hub of the country, making travel to other destinations fast and easy. Furthermore, the Chubu Centrair International Airport is easily accessible from the city center and functions as a convenient transit point for domestic flights and a key gateway to overseas.

Message to International Students

The NIC programme is unique in Japan as while most private school schools are divided along the lines of the curriculum being either 'international' or 'Japanese', NIC represents a unique hybrid of these as shown by our dual-diploma graduation, giving our international students the opportunity to either go on to university studies in Japan or return to a university in their home country. All the traditional subjects will be offered at NIC, along with some more progressive ones, such as Approaches to Learning Skills and Design Thinking, in order to prepare students for the intellectual rigours of the IB Diploma Programme. While the NIC programme is by design a highly academic one, there is also a course on Japanese Popular Culture in the students' first year of study both in recognition of the spread of Japanese culture worldwide but also to assist international students with the transition to Japan and its diverse culture.

The Student Support Programme at NIC is comprehensive and includes Well-being, Recreational, Counselling, Careers and Academic support initiatives to cater for every aspect of the students journey at NIC from orientation to graduation and on to university. Our support model is strongly tied to student personal development so that over the three years students become both skilful and empowered being able to lead, collaborate and advocate across cultures as the circumstances demand. Moving to, and living in, another culture is never easy but the support is here to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing growth of our students and at the end of the programme our students can claim to be interculturally intelligent and competent.

In light of the recent developments in relation to the pandemic worldwide, it is understandable that many parents will be reluctant to send their children overseas. However, the location of the NIC school and dormitory is unique in that the students are securely and safely located on the campus of Nagoya University of Commerce and Business with all facilities self-contained within. All facets of student life are catered for on the campus and the dormitory accommodation is compulsory in order to reduce risks. Should flare-ups of disease occur in the general society, lockdown is readily achievable with a minimum of disruption to student studies. At NIC we go to great lengths to ensure that steps and procedures are in place and the campus environment is as safe as it can possibly be.

세계적인 평가 기관이 인정한 나고야상과대학의 교육 품질

세계에는 10000가지가 넘는 매니지먼트 교육프로그램이 있다고 하며, 각 학교가 제공하는 교육의 내용, 질에는 상당한 차이가 존재합니다. 그러므로, 인증기관이 엄격한 기준을 설정해 비지니스스쿨을 심사하고 있습니다. 본교는, 세계 대학원 랭킹과 세계 대학랭킹에서 비지니스 교육이 높게 평가되고 있으며, 국내외의 3개의 고등교육인증기관으로부터 인증을 받아, 세계표준의 학습이 나고야상과대학에서는 가능합니다. 해외에서 일본에 유학하여, 일본의 비지니스를 일본에서 배우며, 국제학생을 자국에서 뿐 아니라, 세계에서 통용되는 프론티어 인재로서 활약할수 있는 인재를 육성 합니다.

  • Diverse Campus

    One of the main features of the campus is that it has both educational and athletic facilities on the same campus. Students can enjoy an active student life through academic and club activities.


  • Academic Programs

    The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a highly academic two-year high school programme of study for students aged 16-19, covering Years 11 and 12.


  • Dormitories

    One of the most distinguishing features of the NIC is the boarding system. Sharing life together with other students of different religions, languages, and ways of thinking for 3 years allows students to develop a natural understanding of diversity and cooperation.


  • Case Method

    Case Method is a unique and highly effective teaching and learning tool in which actively engages students in group and teamwork discussions. Thus, case method places an emphasis on involving students actively in solving problems by studying examples of real problems that have occurred or may possibly occur in society in the future.



나고야는 도쿄, 오사카 다음으로 일본에서 3번째로 큰 도시입니다. 일본의 중앙에 위치한 나고야는, 센트레아 나고야 중부 국제 공항과 고속도로, 철도등의 교통의 요지로서 정비되어 있으며, 일본 뿐 아니라, 세계의 어디로든 접근이 편리한 장소입니다. 다른 대도시와 비교해서 물가도 저렴하며, 안전한 장소이기 때문에 생활이 편리한 쾌적한 지역입니다.

일본에서 가장 역동적인 지역

제조업의 도시, 나고야는 자동차산업을 중심으로, 항공우주와 파인세라믹, 일렉트로닉스 등의 최첨단테크놀로지 산업등, 세계 경제를 담당하는 다양ㅎ나 우량기업이 있습니다. 당연히 장래의 취업에 있어서도 이러한 선택지가 있는 나고야는 매력적인 지역이라고 할 수 있습니다.

또한, 나고야는 다양한 문과를 즐길수 있는 장소입니다. 「나고야메시」라고 불리는 키시멘과 테바사키(닭날개간장조림), 미소니코미우동, 텐무스(튀김주먹밥). 아카다시(미소시루의 한 종류)등 개성넘치는 독특한 식문화는 외국인에게도 큰 인기를 얻고 있습니다.

일본의 중앙에 위치하므로, 다양한 문화가 모이기 쉽고, 나고야 독자의 문화와 합쳐져 온갖 것들을 흡수할 수 있습니다. 동서남북 어디에도 가기 쉽기때문에 쾌적하게 일본을 여행할 수 있습니다. 외국인에게 인기있는 것은, 도쿄, 교토, 오사카를 둘러보는 「골든코스」와, 도시에서 조금 떨어진 오래된 마을풍경이 남아있는 다카야마와 시라카와고 등을 방문하는 「사무라이코스」도 나고야를 거점으로 즐길 수 있습니다.

Steps from Application to Admission

  • STEP1

    Admissions Guide

    Read the Admissions Guide to confirm eligibility and understanding of the school's admissions process and philosophies.

  • STEP2

    Online Application

    Complete the online application form and the following documents prior to the end of the application Stage:
    ● Personal Statement (500 words on ‘Why you would like to come to NIC’),
    ● Academic transcript – most recent
    ● Attendance record for Years 7 to 9
    ● Character reference from Vice Principal or Head of Year (Optional)
    ● Passport photocopy (face, name, passport number displayed)
    ● Evidence of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, Duolingo, EIKEN etc).
    (Not usually required for applicants who have undergone the previous 3 years of schooling in English)
    ● Financial statement indicating capacity of parent or guardian to support the applicant for the duration of the programme. These documents may include bank statements, tax documents that show annual income, or other financial holdings.

    ※ Online application form is commencing from September 2021

  • STEP3

    Application Payment

    The application fee is paid within 5 working days after completion of the online application and before the application deadline.
    ※ If payment is not confirmed by the last day of application, the application will be cancelled.

  • STEP4

    Online Examination Information Issued

    Upon completion of STEP 3, information pertaining to the online examination and interview will be sent.

  • STEP5

    Application Result Issued

    The applicant is notified of the application result via both email and post.

  • STEP 6

    Admission Confirmation Payment

    The successful applicant confirms enrollment with NIC via payment of the admission fee prior within 7 working days of receipt of the acceptance notification via email.

※ Online application form will be accessible commencing from September 2021 here